this was simple awesome. thank you for this
this was simple awesome. thank you for this
GREATEST THING EVER! your done pony mann i cant even fucking tyope it!!! hahah so good. thank you, thank you so much
I love you
love the show, and your animation nailed it. i also really enjoyed the art style you had there, it was somthin different
i loved this, watched it like 10 times now and have had a great time each time. like forizzle loled
Oh ya? WELL I WATCHED IT LIKE 100 TIMES! unfortunately..
i love this shit
really funny, like the best this site has man
whoa that was good
really good man epic
oh my god asdhfdsf
so great! the animation was really good so was the funny!
ahah nice work
very funny stuff
i like the story and the characters alot, shit is funny some parts
of the animation were confusing but it did not bother me really so epic flash man
Yeah transitions are just something i have to work the kinks out of. I watched your animations, I'll be sure to write a review, they looked pretty cool! Thanks for the review.
very nice job
well done, lots of color and movement, i just have to ask, how do you sleep at night? because i know after seeing this i wont
draw,draw draw!!!animate!!anim ate! blaaaarrgg!
Age 35
ninja academy
Joined on 10/22/07